Ohio Skate University

June 22, 2010

1 Year Ago Today…

…I started this website. I could bore you with a recap of the site’s history but I won’t. I just want to say thank you to the people who visit the site, whether it be every once in awhile or on a regular basis. Also, I would like to thank anyone who has ever reached out to me or shown me support of any kind. I appreciate the messages and e-mails you guys send me. I want to give thanks to The Legend Blog for not only interviewing me, but hooking me up with some more blog work and always supporting Ohio Skate University and I want to thank Tedd Cookerly for hooking me up for the Cowtown Showdown which granted me great opportunities. For a portion of today’s post, I thought it would be good to post one of the submitted videos I have received over the past week:


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